What happens on my leafy-dive? I get seasick… :(
So this morning at 9 I was at the dive-shop where I met Dan who is my company for the weekend. We drove about 2 hours north to go south again. Actually we can see Adelaide from here in the distance. The wind picked up while we drove. Once arrived in Edithburg we brought our stuff to the caravan park where we are staying and then went to the dive-site where Dan had promised me to do his best to find a leafy seadragon. We got dressed and I found that I should have put on the wetsuit entirely because the legs were fine but the arms were way too wide. So I needed LOTS of weight to go down at all. I felt bad about that already and it wasn’t the most comfortable dive of my career. We had lots of seagrass and due to the wind and the swell it was moving. So something happened that so far has never happened to me before: I got seasick under water. Just when I was about to tell Dan that I wanted to finish the dive he found the LEAFY SEADRAGON. Which is the beautiful and wonderful animal that I came here for in the first place. So I took some pics and I think for the fact that I had to mostly take them ‚blind‘ they are not too bad. It is really a stunning animal…
After that we went up because I needed to tell Dan that I was seasick (we were only in about 4 m depth anyway) and then Dan had problems with his ears so he couldn’t get down again. Not the best dive for both of us… BUT: I had my LEAFY!!!! đ đ
I still felt sick after about 2 hours (something that never happened before…) so instead of a second dive we went sightseeing and that was fun as well. Those pics will follow tomorrow though. For today you get only the pics of a colourful nudi, the leafy and a shot of the dive-site.
Meinen allerherzlichsten GlĂŒckwunsch, liebe Andrea.
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