Galway city
Today I had a day ‚off‘. The plan was to walk around Galway as much as I could before the rain started. All in all I was lucky as obviously the heavy rain was elsewhere (I could see it in Connemara this morning). So I was able to walk around for 3 hours this morning before it started to rain. And I found another 1 hour stretch without rain in the afternoon. In the morning I walked around the city first and then wanted to walk over to Salthill. Since I could see a beautiful lighthouse in the distance I thought it was what everyone was talking about. So I went on the 20 minutes-tour over the dam that lead to the lighthouse… only to find a closed door and it was not possible to go to the lighthouse. 🙁 There was a security camera and I am pretty sure that whoever is watching the footage is having a lot of fun when he/she sees the faces of the stupid tourists who expect to see the lighthouse and find themselves locked out….
In the afternoon I went to see the Galway cathedral which is really beautiful inside. So here are the pics from today…
Ein hübscher Ort, der sicher bei Sonnenschein noch hübscher ist …
Ein genialer Ort für wunderschöne Motive, wie sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein können. Da hast Du Dich ja fotografisch austoben können 🙂