More Dumaguete
Well, actually I am more in Dauin which is about 17 km from Dumaguete. Here are a few more things I forgot to tell you earlier today: security at the National Terminal in Manila today was very strict. You are not able to enter the Terminal without ticket and the luggage is screened before you can get in ( ALL of it). Inside they are very strict too in making you pay for excess baggage. I had been told by my travel agency that excess baggage is cheap but I didn’t expect it to be THAT cheap. For 10 kg (24 lbs) excess for my dive stuff I paid about 8 Euro (12 USD). That is nothing…. inside the Terminal there was a big sign telling that jokes about carrying a bomb are not appreciated and would be taken seriously (of course I took a pic of that! 😀 ).
Once arrived in Dumaguete there were two gentlemen down at the stairways which opened umbrella after umbrella and handed them over to all the female passengers to protect them from the sun. I was too german to take this umbrella since this was about a 20 metres walk… 😀 😀 😀
I just got in from lying in my hammock. I was falling asleep which I’d rather not so I will go to sleep soon. Since I’ve been repeatedly told in the past week that I look tired (last time was about 1 hour ago at dinner… 😉 ) I will go to sleep soon since I will do a lot of diving in the next days. Probably more than I had in mind but – sheesh, this place is among the best dive spots in the world so I would be stupid NOT to dive as much as I can. I have been told that I need to tell them as well if I wanna go snorkelling since we have a Marine Sanctuary in front of the ressort and I need to get a ticket if I don’t want to risk getting arrested. (I think the getting arrested part was a joke 😉 ).
Food here at the ressort seems to be pretty good. They have a menue at the wall from which you can choose. They don’t do a la carte meals since they want it all fresh and after the breakfast this morning which made me think that I didn’t really miss anything yesterday I more than enjoyed the freshly cooked fettuccine with pork, tomatoes and basil. They were very good.
For the rest I do like the ressort but it is not what I am used to. I had expected a paved road so I could just go out to the village. Not possible…. but having a hammock out there is soooo relaxing. When I leave in 6 days I am not sure whether I will be totally relaxed or bored to death… 😀 😀 😉