Blue cave divesite and Black magic…
So I went diving again this morning and the Blue Cave divesite is the least damaged I have seen so far. It is still damaged significantly but for the first time I saw a big coral fan and gorgonias. Jack found a wonderful nudi twice and I think the first one just showed her behind (I couldn’t see the other end) and the other one might show her head to the right (not entirely sure though). There were lots of featherstar-babies and you could see that the riff is coming back.
When we went back they dropped me off at the jetty before going to turtle reef with the snorkellers because I had the Black magic tour booked. Again I went with an australian honeymoon couple, this time it was Laura and Tony. I knew a bit what to expect since I had read a report about that tour in a blog but when the guys came screaming out of the bushes it got my by surprise… 😉 We were lead around by Tur (? – don’t remember if that was her name) and she explained things to us. The guy you see up in the banjan tree is the guard. He was crying out when we came over to warn everyone that strangers were nearing. And then there was Jimmy… the two year old youngest member of the village. A cutie who copied everything that the big ones did. 😉 He was the one who was laid on the leaves and then the leaves carried him. We have been told that they carry an adult as well. That is really amazing.
We were shown how the chief put spirits into a stick, then the guys danced around it and in the end we had to get in line and the chief removed the bad spirits from all of us. Then we were shown a bamboo-leave that is really sharp and they use it for the circumcision of the boys (around age 3-4). When we walked over to the next space suddenly Laura was grabbed by her foot and I was glad she was walking in front of me. 😉
The chief showed the ‚Joining of heart‘-ceremony and then Laura and Tony joined heart again (done by the chief) which means that they will never get divorced. 🙂 After that we saw another dance to which Laura joined. And then the men lead Tony anyway and he was made chief… it is sooooooo unfitting for a white skin person to wear the chief-outfit… but it was funny. Tony had to drink Kava as well. Laura and I were asked if we wanted to taste as well but I tasted it two years ago and once was enough thank you very much. 😉
Then we were shown some souvenirs made of shells but even if I would have loved to buy a big conch I couldn’t. Would probably be arrested at the airport when arriving in Germany… 🙂
Pics are not chronological but I guess that doesn’t really matter anyway. 🙂