Special pics from the Cologne cathedral

16/12/2007 0 Von andiline

I didn’t travel today but had to go to the train station as they have a post-office which is open on sundays. Not sure why but ‚just in case‘ I took my new cam with me. When I came near the cathedral I saw a new window sparkling in the sun. This window has been put in in August and I remembered that I wanted to take pics when the sun is shining on it (which it did today). So today I was lucky for two reasons: the sun was shining on it AND shortly before I went in a mass had finished during which they had used olyneum. Due to the latter it was a little bit misty inside which was a very special foto opportunity as it somehow held the sunrays in all colours….

Richter Fenster


Inside the cathedral the statues were full of colours as well… I am not used to see the cathedral like that. I DO like it though 🙂 And I am glad that I am part of the club which helps raising money for renovating the cathedral (which is a neverending story). 😉