Back in Santiago and online! :-)
Well, here I am back in Santiago. After 10 hours flight with a stop on Easter Island (it’s just not fair that they have great weather there now… 😉 ) I am back in my hotel in Santiago. LAN (the chilenean airline) was 40 minutes early which was not was I had expected. But on the other hand there was not entertainment on board whatsoever. Tried to sleep. Had to wait a long time for my suitcase and when I wanted to open it here I saw that the new lock I had bought in Tahiti yesterday was gone and the suitcase is damaged. So far nothing seems to be missing though and I don’t think anyone opened the suitcase.
Will work on some pics for you from Fakarava later today. Here are some statistics about my trip:
– 31 days on the road
– 20 take offs and landings
– about 58 hours in the air
– been to 13 airports
– slept in 9 different beds
– was in 7 different hotels
– spoke in 5 languages
I am still in french-mode but have to switch back to spanish now… 😉 The last days in Fakarava were an french-intensive course as most of the time I was the only non-french person in the pension Havaiki and among the divers and most of them didn’t speak english… Was a strange feeling for me that I was not able to join in a converstation I am really not used to that.