Lofoten Day 8
Today was the last day for the rest of the group. Since the weather forecast gave us a nice sunrise at Gimsoy we decided to get up early (4 AM is not really my time to wake up 😀 ) and 4:30 we were off towards Gimsoy where we expected a wonderful sunrise at that photogenic church on the beach. As usual in Norway you always better have a plan B…. 😉 We started to take pics during blue hour but at some point it was clear that there would be no sunrise. Since the forecast for Svolvaer was much better we jumped into the van and went back. We did have a sunrise but taking pics was difficult. I still have to learn how to merge two pics, one dark and one bright so that I get one that has much better lighting.
After that we went to have breakfast and then we all packed. I was moving from our wonderful appartment to a hotel where we had had breakfast in the mornings during the workshop. It was a difference because even if the hotel as fine, the rooms were rather small. BUT – I had booked a room with a balcony and sitting out there in the sun that first day it was wonderfully peacefull and quiet. While the other side of the hotel was illuminated at night, my balcony was not illuminated. You will see how happy about that in the report of the next day…. 😉 Pics of Svolvaer are first before Gimsoy and sunrise because they were from my mobile again but on Gimsoy I used my camera of course.
The pic of the RIP looks like it you are riding a horse. A lot of tours here and in the Tromso area are done on boats like that but I would never go with it. While people are wearing water proof suits they were dive-masks as well and personally I don’t find that to be any funny. But to each their own. 😉