

04/08/2023 Aus Von andiline

An alternative to the guided excursion was to take the public bus to Padua which was stopping in front of my hotel. And on saturdays there is a big market in Padua. So I bought tickets in the hotel and took the bus quite early to go there. Since I stepped in at the second stop I had a seat for the 45 minute-trip. I left the bus in the city center and walked in the first church that I had mixed up with the Basilica I was looking for. When I realized that I had chosen the wrong church – Google maps and off to the right one. 😀
The Basilica of the Holy Antonio is for a saint who is in charge of helping stuff that got lost. So I left a candle there (you never know… 😉 ). There was quite a crowd and they had a one-way system of visiting the interior. I came out in the cloister gardens. There are several different chapels all attached to each other and several cloister gardens. Took me a while to get out again (I was playing Pokemon as well in the gardens 😀 ).
After I left the Basilica I tried to find the bus stop for the way back. Since I had left the bus on a one way street I didn’t know where the other one was. I didn’t want to go back yet but wanted to know where I had to go. Didn’t find anything. So I went to the central square with the market and checked for a geocache. Yeah, always busy with stuff…. 😉 There were some nice side-streets in the area but I didn’t really see that much even if I walked several kilometers. It started to get hot though and I decided to go back to the hotel. I had a schedule and could see that it wouldn’t take too long to wait for the bus. So I went to a bus station that I had seen before leaving the bus. Unfortunately the bus was crowded as there were school kids. For me that was difficult because my legs were tired. But I had some really nice tourists on the bus who had been in the one in the morning as well. And one of them gave me her seat – which was very, very friendly of them.
I wanted to go back to Padua on my last day before leaving – more clothes to buy since the market in Montegrotto was not available the second time I wanted to go. But I was sick and stayed in bed instead of going back to Padua… 🙁 Next time I guess… 😉