Day 2 grey whale tour…
So the reason why I came up to Loreto is because it is closer to the grey whales. They come down to Mexico to give birth and mate. The interesting thing is that the curious calves get close to the boats and you can touch the whales (not interested in touching them but looking them in the eye must be pretty impressive). On the way down to the other side of Baja California we were told that this year they hadn’t seen many babies yet. So we didn’t think we would see any. But the first whales we saw were mom with baby. And we saw several more. The captain told us that the whales seem to be 20 days behind with giving birth this year. But the first calve was too small yet (about 3 weeks old) and stayed with mom. The other ones were a bit older but they still were not interested in socialising. We went to the area where Magdalena Bay opens to the Pacific which is where you find the whales. Moms and babies go there because swimming against the tidal currents makes the babies stronger swimmers. On the way back we saw fregatte birds. After a mexican lunch we started the way back to Loreto but stopped to see some desert plants. The ‚running cactus‘ grows on the ground so it gives the impression that it is running. Once back in the hotel I was too tired to do a lot. So here are the pics…