Last day…
And way too fast it was my last morning… fortunately there were no arrivals at the hotel that day so they kindly let me stay in my room till I had to go to the airport in the late afternoon. We had already cancelled the boat trip the day before because we knew it would be stormy again so when we met with Sven, who had organized the trip we decided to walk a bit around Andenes. There was still a specific pic I had wanted to take and the group that stayed at the hotel went out for a walk. I can tell you it was VERY windy. We walked for maybe one hour or one hour and a half and then decided to meet at a cafe where we had hot chocolate/coffee and norwegian cake. After that we went back to the hotel where we spent some time exchanging our pictures. Then it was time for me to leave. I flew to Oslo where I spent the night in a hotel just outside of the terminal building and went home the next morning.
That week had gone by way too fast… I met some very nice people during that week and I am happy that I will see some of them again. Although it was very cold and I have no underwater-orca-pics I am glad I went. I’ll probably try again for the orca-pics… 🙂
Thanks Sven for organizing these trips!
Schöne Fotos deiner Norwegen-Woche hast du uns gezeigt, liebe Andrea. Ich finde, du hast diese ganz spezielle Atmosphäre wunderbar eingefangen. Und die Nordlicht-Fotos sind natürlich ganz was Besonderes. Toll.
Und vielen Dank für’s Zeigen.
Gern geschehen und vielen lieben Dank, lieber Seybrew. 🙂 Du weißt, ich lese Deine Reiseberichte auch immer wieder gerne.