No pics today…
Sorry, no pics today. The internet of the resort does not work and my own is too slow for uploading the underwater pics. But let me show you a pic of my newest love, Niki. đ
Isn’t he cute? He is one of the kids who initially was a bit skeptical when he saw me. He warmed up to me in the course of the morning though. His dad Lionel is the head dive-master of the dive-shop I have been diving with the past days. And he kindly offered to drive me around today (I paid him though as I didn’t want to take advantage of him). And he brought Niki, his nearly two year old son, and Emilion (I hope I write both names correctly) who is older, maybe 8? The third son had to go to school since the public schools in Vanuatu are not on vacation while the english speaking schools are on the same holiday schedule as Australia.
We went to Champagne beach first and then to two blue holes. Imagine cenotes with blue water and you know how blue holes look like. The water is really BLUE… Pics will have to wait till the internet connection works again.
Right now I am at dinner and am defending my table against a group (which keeps growing) of ‚Vanuatu volunteers‘. Whatever that means. I am just glad I was already here when they started to arrive. Now they all try to get connection to the internet because they see me surfing. They don’t know that I use my internet-stick… *tehe* đ