The itinerary
I know that a lot of people do not know where Tonga and Vanuatu are…. Tonga is more known than Vanuatu. I know that much. But when I talked about my trip in the past months I more than once heard ‚Ummm… where is that?‘ So, to make it easier, here is a little picture. I start it in Sydney although I do have to fly there first of course. From there it is over to Tonga, then overnight in Fiji, Vanuatu and then off to Manado which is the main airport of Northern Sulawesi. I have to fly to Manado via Singapore but this is not really important for the general picture of where I am going… 🙂
Eine schöne Route hast Du Dir da zusammengestellt. So kann man es sich in der Tat viel besser vorstellen (auch wenn ich weiß, wo diese tollen Orte sind).
Zum Ende Deiner Reise bin ich dann ganz in Deiner Nähe 🙂 und ich freu mich auch schon sooo doll.