Time goes by so fast….
Yeah, I know. January once again was a blurr. I went to the ‚Boot‘ trade fair and somehow got a flu-virus there that kept me in bed for a week. Just in time for carnival I was up again (not fully recovered though so I took it slowly). Carnival was as usual. Unusual was that I went to work for a couple of hours on friday but with the flu I had missed out on a couple of things and I didn’t want to miss even more. Wasn’t a problem though since it fit nicely into my carnival schedule. 😀
One of the findings of this year’s carnival was that my 2-year old niece does have the virus too. She is sooooooo into carnival. We went to the ‚Funken-Biwak‘ on saturday where she was shamelessly flirting with all the good looking guys and even Prince Carnival….. She had fun. 😀