Planning has started…
I have lots of work these days but I am glad that this is the case. I hope to find out in the next days whether we will have to go to Paris sometime soon. My boss from Zurich is always sending inquiries but so far we have no date yet.
So I continue my trip planing. Bought a dive guide for Egypt today together with a dive guide for Thailand. When I went there last year tourism was still suffering from the Tsunami. So for my next trip I wanted updated guides. Will book the flight to Thailand in 2 or 3 weeks. Still haven’t decided whether I’ll do a stopover somewhere but I think I will do one in Bangkok again. The Kings Palace was too beautiful not to go there again and last time I was a little bit afraid to go around the city all by myself. I might be more couragious this time… 😉
Will have to buy a new underwater cam too as my old one does good pics but it is 3 years old and I think there are better cameras now. I especially want a small digital camera which takes pics in .raw format. For underwater pics this is a blessing as you can easily change the colours to how they should be (remove the blue from it). Will most probably buy the Canon Powershot G9. But I might ask my family to give this as a Christmas Present to me (with me paying the major part of it). Spending too much money again (i.e. thinking about it…) 😀 😀 😀