Iceland/Greenland 2
The next day I took the bus to the airport and as soon as I checked the flight info our flight had status
‚cancelled‘- I had kind of known that this was coming so I went to the Information and asked what I was supposed to do and they told me to go to the Check-In. I went over and from there I was sent to a few other people who were already waiting. I asked two women if they were flying to the Ice Camp and they were Laura and Alina – my fellow travellers. Later we met Julian and David and then Mark and Fabienne and our group was complete. In addition to others who were supposed to fly over to Kulusuk. We were asked to wait for transportation to a hotel. The bus came and we were shipped over to Hotel Keflavik. I have to admit that it is a cool hotel. They have a lot of cool art. We got lunch (at 5 PM 😀 ) and were asked to wait for a bus. The hotel didn’t have enough rooms as other flights had been cancelled as well so we were told that we were to be brought to a hotel in Bifrost. It was kind of a waiting game for the bus and some people were sick and tired of it and left. We had been told that we could arrange hotels for ourselves and get reimbursed by Icelandair later. But that would have been a hassle with transportation as well and we would have had to pay for our food without reimbursement. So in the end we decided that it was easier to do the ‚AI‘-option offered by Icelandair. Finally the bus came and we were driven over to Bifrost. Which is a place about 2.5 hours from Keflavik. When we arrived there was dinner – at 10 PM. 😀 The next morning we had some time to breath as we knew the bus would come to get us at noon so I was able to fly my drone. I didn’t know the Bifrost-village even though I later found out that I had stopped there 3 years ago. There are two volcano craters that are cool and I decided to fly my drone. We didn’t have enough time to walk over there so flying my drone was a big satisfaction. I had registered my drone for Iceland and this was the only occasion to actually fly it there.
The bus was on time and we left to go back to Reykjavik. Along the way there were some nice views. Once we arrived at hotel Keflavik we got lunch and heard that we would stay there the second night. Went for a walk around Keflavik later but Keflavik is not too scenic so not really a big thing to visit. Then dinner and Aline went for nothern lights later and saw them. I was too tired and went to sleep. The next morning we had time again but mostly spent it in the hotel reading. Then finally it was time to go back to the airport and YEEHHAAWWWW – we were going to fly. Finally sitting in the plane it was interesting that it was the first time that I was on a plane where I knew nearly all other passengers. 😉 We had talked to a lot of them over the past two days while waiting for the flight so we had bonded. 🙂 And then we were sitting there – and sitting there – and sitting there. It was grating on my nerves because I really wanted to leave. Turned out that two pieces of luggage had went missing after 30 minutes of inactivity we heard that the doors to the luggage compartment were closed and finally it was – GREENLAND, here we come. 🙂