A weekend in Zeeland – day 1
It had been 6 years that I went diving in the Netherlands with my friend Katrin and in July we decided that it was about time to plan another long weekend. So last friday morning Katrin came by early, we loaded my stuff and off we were. First stop was in Belgium at the ‚See-through church‘. I had seen a pic of it two weeks ago and we decided that we would like to see this artwork. And it was well worth the stop. Not only because we drove through cute little villages but also because that church is really a piece of art. Depending on where you stand to look at it it changes it’s look. And inside, when you look up the tower it is a wonderful symmetric pattern. Depending on the standpoint there it looks like there is a window in it. Something I would really call ART.
From there we went through apple orchards to another artwork that Katrin had detected nearby. Again, depending on where you stand it looks like just a random long line but if you look at it from above you can read a word: Twijfelgrens….
After that hike we continued towards the Netherlands and decided to take another detour to Middleburg. I had been there as a teen but really don’t remember anything other than that we went there. So it was nice to explore this cute little town. I looked for some geocaches as well so it was a good time.
We finally went to our hotel in Scharendijke. The initial plan had been to check in and then walk to an italian restaurant. But the sunset looked promising so we went to the supermarket, bought something to eat and went up on the dyke. I had expected a quiet evening on the dyke but it was anything but… there were so many divers that still went diving. Even snorkellers who went in at 10:30 PM when it was already pitch dark. Not sure what they saw… and we took pictures with the divers under the Big Bear. 😉 It was a wonderful day… so now here are the pics…