Day 3 – Snaefellsnes Peninsula
On day 3 I had the first excursions which was towards the Snaefellsness Peninsula. I wanted to go there because of the famous Kirkjufjell mountain which is one of the landmarks. I usually see it with waterfalls in the foreground. Our bus stopped at another place though and I saw that the road is going below the waterfalls and not above it as I somehow had assumed. It was raining hard that day but on most stops we were lucky that it mostly stopped raining while we were outside of the bus. I hadn’t imagined this excursion to be that wonderful. In the afternoon it stopped raining so on the way back to Reykjavik we actually saw the landscape we were driving through and it was breathtaking. With the grey sky a lot of my pics look much better in black and white although I am not usually a fan of black and white pics.
Our tour guide Inga told us a lot of stories about trolls and elfes that she had heard from her grandmother. It was quite interesting. So on one of the pics you will see a big black lava rock and the story is that these were two trolls who stayed outside too long so they saw the sun and turned into stone. The big one is usually the female.