Creme Brulee-heaven

08/04/2009 0 Von andiline

Yeah, I admit it: I abolutely LOVE Creme brulee…. 🙂 And as far as this is concerned Paris is creme brulee-heaven. Whenever I am here I eat creme brulee at least once. Last time I was in a brasserie where it was set on fire in front of me so it was more creme flambee instead of creme brulee. Just had one again and the creme was heaven… yesterday I did have a new creme brulee experience though. We were in a restaurant where I read on the menue that is was ‚custard cream on spices‘. Didn’t know what it meant but ordered it anyway. Was totally surprised though when they brought me THREE creme brulees… one was a regular one, one was with anis (I think) and the third one was with pistache. It was good althought I still prefer the regular one I had today. Here is a pic of my dessert (yes, MINE, only for me! All of them 🙂 ) with the three different spices…
